Santa's Tiny Helpers

This one is fun for kids. My son loved making these last year in pre-school.
2" x 3 1/2" piece of red or green felt
glue gun
10mm wooden bead head
pipe cleaner
yellow or brown yarn (for hair)
21" thin gold braid
scraps of ribbon
3" plastic curtain ring

Cut a  1 1/2"- diameter felt circle; cut in half. Roll 1 half circle into a cone shape. Slightly overlap and glue straight edges together. For body, glue pointed end of cone to wooden bead head. Cut 1/2" x 1 1/2" felt piece, roll into a tube for sleeves and glue along the long edge. Glue center of the tube to back of body. Cut one 1/2" x 2" felt piece; roll into a tube for pants and glue along the long edge. Fold in half and glue inside body cone.
Cut four 1 1/2" lengths from pipe cleaner and fold in half. Glue ends inside sleeves and pants legs. Folded ends will form hands and feet. Glue loops of yarn the bead head for hair. For a hat roll other half of felt circle into a cone. Slightly overlap and glue straight edges together. Glue open end to bead head.  (use as is for decorations on tree, or gift decorations)
To use as a mini wreath follow instructions below.
Wrap gold braid around a curtain ring and glue ends to secure. Glue elf to bottom of ring and tie bow at top

Suggested By: A craft book, in the '80's, and  local Head Start Pre-School.