Peachy Duck Wreath

bread dough (recipe below)
red and white acrylic paint
peach pits
flat-ended toothpicks
craft glue
6" vine wreath

Bread Dough (makes several duck heads):
3 slices white bread
2 tablespoons craft glue
1 teaspoon glycerine
1 tablespoon green acrylic paint
3 drops lemon juice

Let bread sit out 2 hours before removing the crust. Break into small pieces and, using hands, mix with other ingredients. If your not going to make the duck heads right away, refrigerate dough in plastic bag until ready to use.
To make heads, roll small amounts of dough in 1/4" balls, break off flat ends of toothpicks and insert, rounded end out, in heads for bills. Allow about 24 hours to let dough dry. Dot red paint on heads for eyes, and lightly brush white paint on top of peach pits, for feathered effect. Glue heads to pits.
Glue lichens to vine wreath then glue ducks on lichens.

Suggested by: S.W, IN