Presidential Podium


2 sheets brown construction paper
Empty snack cracker box
1/2 sheet each of white and black construction paper
Red, blue, silver and gold crayons
White craft glue

Tape the two short and one of the long flaps of the box top down inside of the box.
Use scissors to trim the remaining box top into the podium platform. To do this, cut two triangles from the box top, one on the left, the other on the right.
Take the triangles that you cut from the box top and tape them behind the “podium platform” to reinforce it and give it some strength.
Cover box and podium platform with brown construction paper. Glue in place.
Cut the white and black “fabric” pieces from the construction paper using patterns.
Glue black “fabric” on first, glue white “fabric” overlapping brown on podium and black “fabric”.
Use the pattern to trace a circle onto a piece of white construction paper. Color border of circle with gold crayon. Draw a thin red circle inside the larger circle. Use blue crayon to draw a smaller and thicker circle toward the center. Inside the blue circle, use silver crayon to draw and color the Capitol Building.
Glue “emblem” circle overlapping the black “fabric”.

Got this off the internet earlier this year.